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Homemade Nutella

Every time we would visit my great Grandma, Delina, she would put out a full spread of the best snack foods. But, unlike my mom who would immediately go for the DeRuijter (chocolate sprinkles), my sister and I would go for the Nutella.

With a hint of nostalgia and a dash of delicious, Nutella hits the spot every time!

This recipe is super simple and super delicious.

Only 4 ingredients and a prep time of approx 30 mins!

Ingredients 3 cups of roasted hazelnuts 2/3 cup dark (dairy free) chocolate, chopped 1 tsp pure vanilla extract 1/2 tsp sea salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees

  2. Put hazelnuts on a baking sheet in a single layer

  3. Roast for 8-10 minutes

  4. Remove from oven and let cool

  5. Remove the skins of the hazelnuts as best you can (to ensure a creamy consistency). Do this by putting the nuts onto a large towel, using your hands to roll the nuts around

  6. Add skinless hazelnuts to a food processor or blender

  7. Blend until a butter consistency (approx 8-10 minutes)

  8. Heat the chocolate in either the microwave for 30 second increments or on a double boiler

  9. Add the melted chocolate, sea salt and vanilla to the blended hazelnuts

  10. Blend everything together, adding more salt or vanilla to your perfect taste!

Can be stored at room temp or in the fridge for approx 3 weeks.

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